MED17 LAUNCH CONTROL 2 STEP AND NO LIFT TO SHIFT ASSEMBLER FLAME AND GUNSHOT AT LAUNCH AND BETWEEN UP SHIFT FLASH BY OBD WITH PCMFLASH VIRTUAL READ FLASH BY BSL WITH ANY TOOL COMPATIBILITY: MED17.1 MED17.1.1 MED17.5 MED17.5.1 MED17.5 MED17.5.2 MED17.5.20 MED17.5.5 ME17.5.6 PCMFLASH OBD INSTALLATION: (7 minutes installations) Actually, we have tested it with PCMFlash tool. It work very easy, no need to disassemble the ecu. 1) Obtain the virtual read binary file using PCMFlash. 2) Patch the binary with LAUNCH17 3) Write the modified file trought OBD with PCMFlash. All done. It will also work with ANY tool using boot and/or bench service mode method to read and write. Such as MPPS, Bflash, Autotuner, Ktag, Trasdata, Kess and more. Generated file is locked to the software version and the VIN number. You can re-edit / re-generate file using the exact same vin and software without spend token. Also, a DAMOS file will be generated and is importable in WINOLS for later offline modification. *DSG NOTES: Launch will work with DSG. If your plan is to flame/bang, it will work on neutral. If you intend to use it as a real launch, you will need a mod and a reflash on DSG TCU. We can create and sell DSG file, compatible with your launch param, for 300 CAD. Here is a compilation of video from our customers ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3Gub4-WnTQ COMPLETE COMPATIBILITY LIST: TESTED FILE LIST: TESTED FILE LISTING USAGE COST: PER FILE: 50 TOKENS (100$USD) Update news: 2022.01.11 - v4.41 Minor bug fix 2021.12.07 - v3.35 Automatically export and save .DAM file. You can now import map into winols. Added notification if file selected is an un-usable virtual file with missing part. 2021.11.08 - v3.31 Added FLASH file memory space recognisation regardeless the file-size. This mean it will work if your file contain eeprom attached, or padded spaced file. etc. 2021.09.29 - v3.25 Added missfire disable function and corrected no lift to shift bug 2021.06.01 - v3.23 Corrected no lift to shift bug. 2021.05.20 - v3.21 Added some files compatibility 2021.04.09 - v3.19 Fixed few bug, added NO LIFT TO SHIFT (NLS) rpm function. 2021.04.09 - v3.17 New release, first version. MORE SCREENSHOTS |
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